
Shardul Singh Negi

Engineer    |    Programmer    |    Designer

About Me


Application Development


Web Development

Work Experience

American Tower LLC- Boston

Software Engineer Intern

• Worked as a frontend engineer, decomposing the existing UI (Java Swing) to move towards a .Net based framework UI using React, HTML, CSS and JS. Created modules assigned for tower creation and page functionalities.

• Worked on backend to restrict user access creating IAM roles based upon their credentials using RESTFUL architecture.

• The existing UI was a 2D structure, I developed a 3D model POC to render the same to the web application using Babylon which was adopted by the company. Developed application increased productivity by 60% and is being used by 1600 engineers.

Netapp Inc

Software Engineer

• Was one of the inventors for vVol Datastore in SCV to extend its capabilities for Attach, Detach and Backup capabilities from ONTAP in vSphere. Led vVol Data Protection support in SnapCenter plug-in for VMware vSphere.

• Contributed in SnapCenter plug-in team that provides VMware Data Protection capabilities (Backup & Recovery) for On-Prem and Hybrid environments.

• Spearheaded the front-end releases of NetApp BlueXP to manage hybrid VMware Data Protection application and provided support to the customers for initial releases.

• Led a team for creating a POC that adds Virtual Machine & Datastore Data Protection capabilities to NetApp BlueXP. Product supports hybrid environments where the backups are replicated to any cloud environments (GCP, AWS and Azure).

Huawei - Bangalore

Software Developer

• Worked on deployment and CI/CD of the build cycle for four teams using Jenkins & Circle CI for seamless release process for each Agile cycle.

• Worked full-stack (micro-services architecture using REST APIs and UI using Bootstrap, AngularJS) involving multiple layers such as Shell, Python, Java, AngularJS, React framework.

• Designed and developed a tool which generates a DB configuration XML in Core Java using Spring Boot. The generated XML installed the Suse software over a distributed system having 1 to 256 nodes which used Round Robin Algorithm for separation.

Personal Projects

Course Work

Project Management- Stack : Python, Django and Web Development

Project Management for maintaining Student, Professor and Mentor level project repository for managing and assignment of the same.

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Text Adventure - React, Mean

A text adventure role playing game, hosted on heroku.

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Genetic Algorithm - Java, Data Structures

Designed genetic algorithm for recreating images from a base images by combination on RGB pattern cha

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Mobile/Website Development

Web Development, Sockets

Music app created in React JS for android phones. Have tested the app in Android Emulator.

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Chatbot using Websockets

Online chat bot, hosted in heruku for peer to peer chat using Sockets.

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Food App in React

food app for selecting food items from the console and adding to the cart

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Educational Qualifications


Northeastern University(Computer and Information Systems) 2018-20

Graduate student with keen intrest in System Design web development and Data Science.

Courses taken

Data Structures and Algorithms, Web-Development, Applied Enterprise and Product Development, Database Management, Cloud Computing and Dev-ops, Web Design, Web Assembly .Net Core


Uttarakhand Technical University Electrical Engineering

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